Instant download Essentials of Economics 7th Edition Gregory Mankiw Test Bank pdf docx epub after payment.
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 1285165950
- ISBN-13 : 978-1285165950
- Author: Gregory Mankiw
Features dozens of new applications that emphasize the real-world relevance of economics for students through interesting news articles, realistic case studies, and engaging problems.
Table of contents:
About the Author. Brief Contents. Table of Contents. Preface. Part I: INTRODUCTION.
1. Ten Principles of Economics.
2. Thinking Like an Economist.
3. Interdependence and the Gains from Trade. Part II: HOW MARKETS WORK.
4. The Market Forces of Supply and Demand.
5. Elasticity and Its Application.
6. Supply, Demand, and Government Policies. Part III: MARKETS AND WELFARE.
7. Consumers, Producers, and the Efficiency of Markets.
8. Application: The Costs of Taxation.
9. Application: International Trade. Part IV: THE ECONOMICS OF THE PUBLIC SECTOR.
10. Externalities.
11. Public Goods and Common Resources. Part V: Firm Behavior and the Organization of Industry.
12. The Costs of Production.
13. Firms in Competitive Markets.
15. Measuring a Nation’s Income.
16. Measuring the Cost of Living. Part VII: THE REAL ECONOMY IN THE LONG RUN.
17. Production and Growth.
18. Saving, Investment, and the Financial System.
19. The Basic Tools of Finance.
20. Unemployment and Its Natural Rate. Part VIII: MONEY AND PRICES IN THE LONG RUN.
21. The Monetary System.
22. Money Growth and Inflation. Part IX: SHORT-RUN ECONOMIC FLUCTUATIONS.
23. Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply.
24. The Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Demand. Glossary. Index.
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