Instant download Solution Manual for Gender Psychological Perspectives 6th Edition by Brannon pdf docx epub after payment.
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0205004458
- ISBN-13 : 978-0205004454
- Author: Linda Brannon
1 | The Study of Gender | 1 |
Headline: “The New Gender Wars,” Psychology Today, November/December, 2000 | 1 | |
History of the Study of Sex Differences in Psychology | 3 | |
The Study of Individual Differences | 4 | |
Psychoanalysis | 5 | |
The Development of Women’s Studies | 6 | |
The Appearance of the Men’s Movement | 8 | |
Sex or Gender? | 12 | |
Should Psychologists Study Gender? | 13 | |
Gender in the Media | 14 | |
Media Bias in Portraying Women and Men | 14 | |
Gender in the Headlines | 16 | |
Considering Diversity | 17 | |
Summary | 18 | |
Glossary | 18 | |
Suggested Readings | 19 | |
2 | Researching Sex and Gender | 20 |
Headline: “The Science Wars,” Newsweek, April 21, 1997 | 20 | |
How Science Developed | 21 | |
Methods and What They Reveal | 22 | |
Descriptive Methods | 23 | |
Experimental Designs | 26 | |
Ex Post Facto Studies | 28 | |
Qualitative Research | 30 | |
Gender Bias in Research | 33 | |
Sources of Bias | 33 | |
Ways to Deal with Bias in Science | 37 | |
Considering Diversity | 42 | |
Summary | 43 | |
Glossary | 44 | |
Suggested Readings | 44 | |
3 | Hormones and Chromosomes | 46 |
Headlines: “Testosterone Rules: It Takes More Than Just a Hormone to Make a Fellow’s Trigger Finger Itch,” Discover, March, 1997 | 46 | |
“PMS: Is It for Real?” Cosmopolitan, April, 1995 | 46 | |
The Endocrine System and Steroid Hormones | 47 | |
Stages of Differences between the Sexes | 49 | |
Sexual Differentiation | 49 | |
Development of Male and Female Physiology | 50 | |
Changes during Puberty | 56 | |
When Things Go Wrong | 59 | |
Hormones and Behavior Instability | 63 | |
Premenstrual Syndrome | 63 | |
Testosterone and Aggression | 67 | |
Considering Diversity | 72 | |
Summary | 73 | |
Glossary | 75 | |
Suggested Readings | 76 | |
4 | Intelligence and Mental Abilities | 77 |
Headline: “The Great Debate: Gender Differences,” Current Health 2, December, 1995 | 77 | |
Mental Abilities | 78 | |
Verbal Performance | 79 | |
Mathematical and Quantitative Performance | 82 | |
Spatial Performance | 86 | |
Other Mental Abilities | 89 | |
Source of the Differences | 94 | |
Biological Evidence for Gender Differences in Mental Abilities | 94 | |
Evidence for Other Sources of Gender Differences | 95 | |
Implications of Gender-Related Differences | 97 | |
Considering Diversity | 99 | |
Summary | 100 | |
Glossary | 101 | |
Suggested Readings | 101 | |
5 | Gender Development: the Psychoanalytic Approach | 102 |
Headline: “The War against Boys,” Atlantic Monthly, May, 2000 | 102 | |
The Psychoanalytic Approach to Personality | 103 | |
Freud’s Theory of Personality | 103 | |
Horney’s Theory of Personality | 108 | |
Women, Men, and Psychoanalytic Theory | 111 | |
Feminist Standpoint Theory: A Different Voice | 118 | |
Gilligan’s Theory of Moral Development | 118 | |
The Maximalist Approach and Its Implications | 120 | |
Considering Diversity | 122 | |
Summary | 123 | |
Glossary | 124 | |
Suggested Readings | 125 | |
6 | Gender Development: Social Theories | 126 |
Headline: “Singing the Pink Blues,” Mothers Who Think,, December 13, 1999 | 126 | |
Social Learning Theory | 127 | |
Cognitive Developmental Theory | 132 | |
Gender Schema Theory | 135 | |
Gender Script Theory | 137 | |
Developing Gender Identity | 140 | |
Childhood | 140 | |
Adolescence and Adulthood | 143 | |
Which Theory Best Explains the Data? | 146 | |
Considering Diversity | 147 | |
Summary | 149 | |
Glossary | 150 | |
Suggested Readings | 150 | |
7 | Gender Stereotypes: Masculinity and Femininity | 152 |
Headline: “The Stereotype Trap,” Newsweek, November 6, 2000 | 152 | |
From Gender Roles to Gender Stereotypes | 153 | |
Stereotypes of Women and Men | 153 | |
Development of Stereotypes | 157 | |
Function of Stereotyping | 159 | |
Perceptions of Women and Men | 162 | |
Masculinity, Femininity, and Androgyny | 167 | |
Considering Diversity | 172 | |
Summary | 174 | |
Glossary | 175 | |
Suggested Readings | 175 | |
8 | Emotion | 177 |
Headline: “Big Fat Lies about Men,” Mademoiselle, August, 1996 | 177 | |
Physiological, Cognitive, and Behavioral Aspects of Emotion | 178 | |
Gender and the Experience of Emotion | 179 | |
The Myth of Maternal Instinct | 180 | |
The Prominence of Male Aggression | 187 | |
Expressivity and Emotion | 199 | |
Considering Diversity | 200 | |
Summary | 202 | |
Glossary | 203 | |
Suggested Readings | 203 | |
9 | Relationships | 204 |
Headline: “The Science of a Good Marriage,” Newsweek, April 19, 1999 | 204 | |
Friendships | 205 | |
Development of Styles | 206 | |
Friendships over the Lifespan | 208 | |
Flexibility of Styles | 211 | |
Love Relationships | 212 | |
Dating | 213 | |
Marriage and Committed Relationships | 216 | |
Dissolving Relationships | 230 | |
Considering Diversity | 233 | |
Summary | 235 | |
Glossary | 236 | |
Suggested Readings | 236 | |
10 | Sexuality | 238 |
Headline: “The Sex Drive,” Men’s Health, October, 1999 | 238 | |
The Study of Sexuality | 239 | |
Sex Surveys | 240 | |
Masters and Johnson’s Approach | 246 | |
Childhood Sexuality: Exploration and Abuse | 251 | |
Heterosexuality | 256 | |
During Adolescence | 257 | |
During Adulthood | 260 | |
Homosexuality | 264 | |
During Adolescence | 267 | |
During Adulthood | 270 | |
Bisexuality | 272 | |
Considering Diversity | 273 | |
Summary | 274 | |
Glossary | 276 | |
Suggested Readings | 276 | |
11 | School | 278 |
Headline: “Science for Girls Only,” Newsweek, June 21, 1999 | 278 | |
The School Experience | 279 | |
Early Schooling | 280 | |
Changes during Junior High | 282 | |
High School | 284 | |
College and Professional School | 289 | |
Achievement | 295 | |
Achievement Motivation | 295 | |
Fear of Success | 295 | |
Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence | 297 | |
Attributions for Success and Failure | 299 | |
Considering Diversity | 300 | |
Summary | 302 | |
Glossary | 303 | |
Suggested Readings | 303 | |
12 | Careers and Work | 304 |
Headline: “The Global Glass Ceiling,” Fortune, October 12, 1998 | 304 | |
Careers | 305 | |
Career Expectations and Gender Role Socialization | 306 | |
Career Opportunities | 308 | |
Gender Issues at Work | 319 | |
Gender Segregation on the Job | 319 | |
Gender, Communication, and Power in the Workplace | 321 | |
Sexual Harassment at Work | 323 | |
Considering Diversity | 328 | |
Summary | 331 | |
Glossary | 332 | |
Suggested Readings | 332 | |
13 | Health and Fitness | 333 |
Headline: “Is the Longer Life the Healthier One?” New York Times, June 22, 1997 | 333 | |
Mortality: No Equal Opportunity | 334 | |
Cardiovascular Disease | 334 | |
Cancer | 337 | |
Violent Deaths | 340 | |
The Health Care System | 342 | |
Gender Roles and Health Care | 342 | |
Reproductive Health | 347 | |
Gender, Lifestyle, and Health | 351 | |
Eating | 351 | |
Exercise and Fitness | 357 | |
Considering Diversity | 360 | |
Summary | 363 | |
Glossary | 364 | |
Suggested Readings | 364 | |
14 | Stress, Coping, and Psychopathology | 365 |
Headline: “Who Has the Most Stress?” Ladies Home Journal, March, 2000 | 365 | |
Stress and Coping | 366 | |
Sources of Stress for Men and Women | 366 | |
Coping Resources and Strategies | 371 | |
Diagnoses of Mental Disorders | 374 | |
The DSM Classification System | 375 | |
Gender Inequity in the Diagnosis of Mental Disorders | 377 | |
Gender Comparisons in Psychopathology | 382 | |
Depression | 382 | |
Substance-Related Disorders | 386 | |
Anxiety Disorders | 388 | |
Other Disorders | 390 | |
Considering Diversity | 393 | |
Summary | 394 | |
Glossary | 395 | |
Suggested Readings | 396 | |
15 | Treatment for Mental Disorders | 397 |
Headline: “When Planets Collide,” Psychology Today, May/June, 1997 | 397 | |
Approaches to Therapy | 398 | |
Psychoanalysis | 398 | |
Humanistic Therapies | 399 | |
Cognitive Therapy | 400 | |
Behavior Modification | 402 | |
Medical Therapies | 403 | |
Accusations of Gender Bias in Therapy | 405 | |
Gender Issues in Therapy | 407 | |
Feminist Therapy | 408 | |
Therapy with Men | 411 | |
Gender Aware Therapy | 413 | |
Sexual Exploitation in Therapy | 414 | |
The Self-Help Movement | 417 | |
Online Support Groups | 419 | |
Gender Issues in Self-Help | 420 | |
Considering Diversity | 421 | |
Summary | 423 | |
Glossary | 424 | |
Suggested Readings | 424 | |
16 | How Different? | 425 |
Headline: “A Peace Plan for the Gender Wars,” Psychology Today, March/April, 1996 | 425 | |
Multiple Roles Have Become the Rule | 426 | |
What Do Women Want? What Do Men Want? | 428 | |
Have Women Become More Like Men? | 429 | |
Why Can’t a Man Be More Like a Woman? | 432 | |
Where Are the Differences? | 435 | |
Differences in Ability | 436 | |
Differences in Choices | 437 | |
Summary | 440 | |
Suggested Readings | 441 | |
References | 442 | |
Name Index | 483 | |
Subject Index | 493 |
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