Instant download THINK Sociology Canadian 2nd Edition Carl Test Bank pdf docx epub after payment.
Product details:
- ISBN-10 : 0205929931
- ISBN-13 : 978-0205929931
- Author:
With an engaging visual design, unique pedagogical features, and integrated Canadian content, THINK Sociology 2ce continues to be an introductory Sociology text your students will actually read. Its journalistic, first-person writing style will engage your students while delivering the core concepts in a way that they can actually understand.
Informed with the latest Canadian and international research and the most contemporary examples, THINK Sociology 2ce allows you to bring current events directly into your classroom. Its focus on Sociology in practice–such as understanding the role of the media, social interaction, and the role of socialization and our social institutions–makes content accessible and applicable to today’s students.
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